Sos Semut

Erk, macam dah takde benda lain nak makan, semut jugak yang kalau buat sos dan bagi tenggiling makan takpe la jugak kan?ini tidak, dia sendiri yang nak makan..ish, manusia manusia..

"Fried insects are considered delicacies in many cultures, but ant sauce? That’s something new.
During the April-June season, thousands of Colombian farmers collect giant ants, named ulonas, cook them and sell them as a traditional exotic dish. The ants are roasted in big bowls, bagged and shipped to stores around the country.
Some people eat the roasted ants, known as Culonas, as snacks, while others use them to make a special sauce that goes great with potato chips. To me, this looks almost as “tasty” as the Chinese fried insects menu."

Semut ada enzim yang jika termakan dalam kuantiti yang banyak, boleh menyebabkan memory short (pelupa). Orang tua-tua pun ada cakap, kalau makan atau termakan semut, boleh jadi bingung 44 hari..betul tak?